Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Random complaints

You know, it never ceases to amaze me how we have such double talk in our government. It drives me BATTY! So you know, I got to thinking about how badly our good old US of A is screwed up right now, and I find myself wondering why. Perhaps it's because our elected president (what were you people thinking?!?) has a direct connection to God, I'm sure you've heard that they speak. Anyhow, I thought we had something or other here called division of church and state, basically saying that politics and religion shouldn't mix. And yet, they do in just about every act our current president (come to think of it, MOST presidents) do. What is this crazy woman talking about you ask? Let's talk about the ones that really stand out:

1) Homosexuality. Our wonderful president has pushed and pushed for legislation to make marriage solely between a man and a woman. While I'm all for man-woman relations, I'm also pro man-man relations and woman-woman relations. Not my cup of tea, but since I don't even drink tea, it's a moot point. ANYHOW, let's talk about why opposers think this is wrong. If it's because homosexuality isn't their thing, then they are simply intolerant of those who do not share their beliefs. If it's because homosexuality is wrong because the bible says so, then they are trying to force their religious beliefs on the entire country. As far as I see it, those are the only two objections people can have about it. If Joe and Frank down the road were allowed to get married and cover each other on their health insurance, how exactly does that effect me? Ummm...my premiums are going to rise? News flash: my health insurance premiums have risen every year without Joe and Frank's help, so that's really not going to change anything there. Will it make my marriage any less valid? If it does, then I must not truly love my husband and he mustn’t truly love me. Will it make others not take the sanctity of marriage seriously? Judging by the number of divorces in this country, I don't think the majority of them take it seriously in the first place. Enough about that...NEXT!

2) Stem cell research. A topic near and dear to my heart. Our great president says that creating life to destroy it via research is not ok. Why isn't this ok? Because life is not ours to make or take, it's God's. First of all, if life isn't ours to make, then we'd better rush out and outlaw fertility treatments. We'd better stop copulating without birth control or we run the risk of creating life. Oh wait...but the Catholic church says no to birth control! What to do, what to do?!?! OK, then life isn't ours to take...why do we have the death penalty then that our mighty leader supports. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the death penalty, but I'm also not out there speaking out against stem cells. I want to smack him upside the head with a test tube and say HEY BUDDY, get your religious beliefs away from my personal well being. To him, stem cell research is wrong because it creates "life" and then destroys it. As an aside, this rant goes along with his wanting to outlaw abortion. Same argument. Why is it wrong? Because of his Christian beliefs. Stay away from my uterus and the decisions I make regarding it. I'm whole heartedly in support of creating stem cells to cure people who may have no other options. Like me. Or those with Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Diabetes, etc....all things that potentially can have cures found much quicker if they have a wide variety of stem cells to work on. As an aside, I can mention that if by some strange cosmic happening I were to get pregnant again, I would not be able to keep the baby. I have a wonderful little boy who I struggled to have (Yay fertility treatments! Oh no, I'm probably set to go straight to hell for that one). I have a blood disorder called Factor V Leiden as well, which means I clot way to easily and am on blood thinners for the rest of my life. This makes every day things like shaving my legs a little on the dangerous side. I'd probably be safer bungee jumping. Anyhow, I was willing to risk my life once to have one baby. I'm not willing to risk my son not having a mother (even if she is in a wheelchair due to her MS by the time he graduates from high school). So, I've done everything in my power to be certain there's no pregnancies in my future. But I'm not stupid, it can happen, even if it's just a slight, tiny chance. But, I digress.... So if our president had his way with everything, (including outlawing abortion), he's in effect killing me and everyone in a situation like me. But hey, if you sleep better at night knowing you're pushing to keep sick people sick and get all up in a woman's uterus, I'm glad for you that you have God's blessing.

3) Iraq. Our soldiers over there busting their butts, for what? To bring democracy to a country - cool. To further your christian beliefs that muslims are evil? Not cool. We don't belong there, we never did. But, hey, he said it himself...God told him to invade Iraq. Can't argue with that, can you? So, again, ignoring that whole separation of church and state...way to go W!!!
America is supposedly the land of the free. But what it's turning in to is the land of the free, if you're a white christian who does not tolerate others who are not white christians. It's embarrassing. I could say I'd love to leave here, but I wouldn't. I'd like to stay and try to help make this country what it truly was meant to be. One person alone can't do it, but I can't be the only person who feels this way. And I hope to see the change sometime before the MS takes over and makes me a jellyfish. And I hope it's good. And I hope it's done without violence. And I hope that someday God will reward me with a brand new in-ground swimming pool...
And another thing that gets my goat: people who think they're high and mighty and able to let loose "God's judgment" on the world around them. Last I heard, there hasn't been crowned a new Christ, so I'm thinking these people are just trying to get their opinions to be heard and trying to back them up with a little "testimonial" from the Almighty. I'm sure if he truly exists, he's quite ticked at these people.

I think there's a lot to be said about those who are out trying to save everyone. I'm thinking they are probably miserable in their own lives and are secretly jealous about the lives of others. Of course, I get my share of people trying to show me the light...what they don't understand is that I have seen the light and I'm not interested. Kind of like when you're at K-Mart and there is a blue-light special on motor oil. I don't run over there and get some just because Marge came across the intercom "Attention K-Mart shoppers...". You savers should save yourself a lot of time...open a store. You can announce "saving specials" over the PA system and know that those who are truly interested will come running and those who could care less will go by some tampons and laundry soap and call it a day. What I'm trying to say here is leave me alone. Find some one else who wants to drink your kool-aid, or wear Nike shoes on the trip to the mother ship.


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