Monday, November 13, 2006

Sucks when you lose them

I already see a problem with moving my crap over here. Less than half of my subscribers came back, even the ones that I knew were reading. Oh well, good thing it was never about them in the first place - it was all about ME. And my sex, of course.

I did, however, discover a couple of NEW subscribers and friends, which is always exciting. Hope to get to know all of these folks as well as I know several of you. And now, because you don't really give a shit about the status of my blog subscription - I'd like to present to you a list of words that just sound dirty. They aren't dirty words, but being as I can make almost anything gutter, these words make me giggle. Feel free to add to the list.

Pencil pusher
Pole position
Booby Trap
Homo erectus
Red Snapper
stick shift

I generally giggle whenever I hear anyone say these words. Even though there's nothing naughty about them. I think I just have a very gutter mind. What's in your gutter?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

IN reference to weight lifting: Snatch and Clean & Jerk