Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hump This!

As I was driving in to work today, I had to resist the urge to just pull off to the side of the highway, put it in park and alternate between crying and screaming. I didn't though – I just yelled obscenities at everyone I had to pass and flipped off everyone who passed me. Hump day, my ass - and no, that is NOT an invitation for anal sex.

Anyhow, not one to dwell, I decided that I would get myself to work and do absolutely NOTHING work related today and THAT will magically fix everything. Won't it? Well, either that or the maniacal laughter that will emanate from my body after I take a shovel and smack a few people in the face will help.

I do want to give a shout out to a few people at the office. I'm not naming names, but chances are you know someone JUST like them. Most every work place has these people in it, and chances are if your office doesn't, you're probably it. So, a big resounding FUCK YOU goes to:

?The woman who has had every experience you can ever imagine, and the way she did it back then is always better than the way you're doing it now.

?The woman whose natural voice is a whine. She also generally contorts her face when she speaks.

?The closet homosexual with the wife and 2 kids who likes to point at you and say "Heyyyy" while winking and smiling a cheesy grin.

?The guy who, no matter what experience you're relaying to him, had something MUCH more spectacular happen to him when he was in college.

Anyway, on to more important things. From my last blog, you can surmise that I enjoy delving into the minds of people. I like to know why they are doing the things they are doing, what they hope to gain from it and how they think it's working out for them. Occasionally, someone does something that makes me stop in my tracks and think "what the fuck are you doing?" Those images get stuck in my head and I can't help but wonder what is really going on in certain situations. Maybe you can help me. YOU tell me, what's really going on here:

Scene #1

Scene #2

Scene #3:

And in keeping with my oral fixation

Scene #4

I already know what's going on here. This guy is using his penis for the very last time - she'll make sure of it. He just doesn't know it yet.

Carry on!

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