Friday, January 12, 2007

Last of '06 (from 12/30/06)

So, I'm trying my best to get ready for New Year's Eve. We're having a couple of people over to watch the replay of the UFC pay-per-view. I could care less about UFC, but Jerry enjoys it, as does Lon & Katie. My hope at this point is that it's nice enough outside that I can set up the trampoline/ball pit for the kiddos and hang out there with them, allowing them to get fresh air & all tuckered out. Then, after dinner, I will do my usual: head to bed by 10:00 because I cannot function much after that. 10:00 is my goal, at which point, I'll proclaim "HAPPY NEW YEAR" to Jerry & Dakota (stepson in case you forgot) and head to bed myself. Perhaps a book, a little bit of Jack or Venus and I'll be sleeping like an over worked trucker.

I've given up on cleaning any more. It's just not going to happen. I keep trying, but something always gets in my way (4 dogs, 2 kids and a husband - oh the humanity!) Oh well, no one is coming to look at my house, and if they do, they can tell great stories about what a sty I live in. It'll be entertaining for all who hear it, I'm certain!

I decided today while in the bath tub that my boobs are in the right place. You know how some women's breast appear to be coming straight out of their neck, or hand around their waist? Not mine. Right where they should be. Just an observation.

I'm looking forward to 2007 for a number of reasons, the biggest being that maybe I'll finally be able to quit work and be a stay at home mom. I've enjoyed being home with Josh over the past week more than I ever thought I would. It's been wonderful to get up and not worry about what HAS to be done, just worry about what I'd LIKE to get done and if I get to it, great! If not, oh well! And while my house will never be immaculate, it's looking better than it usually does, which isn't saying much. Sad but true.

I know I've said this before, and then showed up here, but I'm going to take a much needed blogging break. I have lots of things I want to say, and no words to say them. Perhaps something will strike me in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning, and I'll be able to tell you all about it. But until then, I just need to recharge & rethink what direction I want to go in. Talking about sex is fun and all, but I think I need a little less of it and a little more of life observations and general silliness. I'm not just a piece of blog ass you know.

Happy New Year to every one. Watch the ball drop & rock out with Dick!

See – I haven't lost it all, I still got in a cock & ball joke. Enjoy!

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