Friday, January 12, 2007

Not a fun blog (from 12/26)

I was thinking about how truly terrible even nice people can be and it made me quite sad. Here's the thing. Sometimes, you think that these people are your friends. They are very nice to you and they seem to have your best interests and your happiness in mind as they suggest things you should do, open up their homes and their lives to you and seem to offer those things which you are craving: companionship, validation and a purpose. However, sometimes you have to look at these friendships and see what is really going on there. There is something they're getting from you that you are not intending to give. Perhaps it's your undying love and devotion, which is not being returned. Sure you think it's being returned, but when all is said and done, you look around and you've given up everything you knew and loved for these types of people and all you have left are those people who are taking you for a ride. Acting all sweet and friendly because in their minds you are vulnerable, pliable, moldable - to be exactly what they want you to be and nothing else.

To those people trying to control others, I need to say I AM SO FUCKING ON TO YOU. You don't fool me with your fake kindness and insincere ramblings about wanting to spread happiness & doing good. Just stop. Get over yourself. And when you're exposed for the self-serving bastards that you really are, you can go back to your churches and pray for another wayward soul to be dropped in your lap so you can make them your puppet.

And to those people on their way to becoming the puppets of something more evil than a world-wide ban on orgasms would be, I say this:

I wish I could stop you from going down the road you're headed. I've been on a similar road, and it's not a good one. It cannot end in happiness because where you want to be and where this will take you are two different places.

I know things that are on your chosen path that you may not know about. Things I wish I didn't know and I don't know how to tell you without betraying the trust of others. Let me just say that I know you aren't the only person traveling down that same road. Or that the road isn't the pretty golden path it has been portrayed to be, and not because of what that road was used for in the past, but because of hidden dangers that only those not traveling the road seem to know about.

I truly hope you can find your way and get off of that road soon. There's an exit coming up just ahead. And if you can't find a suitable exit or you run out of gas, just pull over to the side of the road and call me. I'll pick you up in a heartbeat. No questions asked, no strings attached. Because that's what I do.

AND, if by any chance a wanna-be puppet masters should read this, I'm sending you a resounding "FUCK YOU!" I don't know you well (if at all), and I sure as hell don't want to.

By the by, if you think any part of this blog is about you - it probably is. That's the beauty of it.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

I'm sorry your friends betrayed you, I've been there myself. As for the people who hurt you, don't worry about them. The one who speaks the truth, holds the power.