Friday, January 12, 2007

What about the Children? (1/7/07)

As I was reading my son a book last night ("Thomas and the School Trip), we get to the end and he looks up at me with an angelic face and says "Mommy, why is she kissing Thomas?"

"Because, honey. She is a whore." And if you think I'm just bitter, the page before gave me all the proof I needed -

2 boys? They start early on the Island of Sodor!

This made me think of all of the books I've ever read to him and some of the questionable content (thanks writers & illustrators of children's books!) I'd like to share a few revelations with you. This way, if you have children (or nieces & nephews, kids of friends, etc.) that you may be interested in reading to, you'll know before hand what you're getting into.

First and foremost - I have the proof I needed that Sir Topham Hatt (the fat conductor in the Thomas series) is gay:

And does that hippie boy with his arm around the girl have a huge mustache? I bet he was offering rides for 5 cents.

In another version of this same book, we see the same theme repeated. Just look at the half naked boy with the gay cowboy vest getting off of the bus.

However, not one to pick on just Thomas, I need to point out that Curious George was a smoker.

The Little People encourage children to roll in the hay together.

In "The Runaway Bunny", apparently, the Mom bunny had offered to blow her little bunny.

In "Katie No-Pockets", they have suggestions about how certain animals "do it"

I'm just glad I'm not a bird!

As you can see, there is a LOT going on in these books, and I'm certain if you look for yourself, you'll find more. However, I'm ok with this, after all I'm the mom who bought him a 16" talking woody. I also told him last night that Buzz Lightyear wanted to go to bed with him. So, what does that say about me?

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